Columbia College Student Apartments for Sublet
Apartments for Sublet Near Columbia College
There are presently no listings that match the query "Student Apartments for Sublet Near Columbia College"
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Sublets Overview at Columbia College
💰On average, sublets near Columbia College is $1,219/mo. Columbia College sublets are cheaper than the national monthly average of $3,988/mo.
🚲 In total, there are 0 student sublets available near Columbia College.
🎓When students are not searching for sublets, they can choose between any of Columbia College's 1 on-campus dorms. The most popular dorms at Columbia College are McNair.
Columbia College Student Housing FAQs
What is the average cost of student housing near Columbia College?The average cost of student housing near Columbia College varies depending on the type of housing and its location. However, on average, the monthly rent for a shared apartment is around $700-$800, while a private room could cost anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500 per month
What are the best neighborhoods for student housing near Columbia College?
Several neighborhoods around Columbia College are popular for student housing. The most desirable ones are South Loop, University Village/Little Italy, and Near West Side. These neighborhoods offer an array of affordable housing options, proximity to campus, and great amenities, including restaurants, shops, and entertainment
Are there any resources available to help students find affordable housing near Columbia College?
Yes, there are several resources available to help students find affordable housing near Columbia College. The college's housing office provides rental assistance, and there are many online housing platforms that students can use to find apartments or roommates, such as Columbia College Chicago Housing Group on Facebook, CollegeStudentApartments, and Uloop. Additionally, there are several nonprofit organizations that provide housing assistance to students, such as the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless and the Center for Changing Lives

Map of Columbia College Student Apartments For Rent