Indiana Wesleyan Student Apartments for Sublet
Apartments for Sublet Near Indiana Wesleyan
There are presently no listings that match the query "Student Apartments for Sublet Near Indiana Wesleyan"
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Sublets Overview at Indiana Wesleyan
💰On average, sublets near Indiana Wesleyan is $957/mo. Indiana Wesleyan sublets are cheaper than the national monthly average of $3,988/mo.
🚲 In total, there are 0 student sublets available near Indiana Wesleyan.
🎓When students are not searching for sublets, they can choose between any of Indiana Wesleyan's 20 on-campus dorms. The most popular dorms at Indiana Wesleyan University are 1 Vine Street, 240 Court Street, 65 Pearl Street.
Indiana Wesleyan Student Housing FAQs
What are the average rental prices for student housing near Indiana Wesleyan University?The average monthly rental price for student housing near Indiana Wesleyan University ranges from $500 to $800 depending on the location and amenities
What are some popular off-campus student housing options near Indiana Wesleyan University?
Some popular off-campus student housing options near Indiana Wesleyan University include Oak Hill Apartments, The Grove at Huntington, and Campus Edge
Do most off-campus student housing options near Indiana Wesleyan University offer individual leases?
Yes, most off-campus student housing options near Indiana Wesleyan University offer individual leases to their tenants, which can be beneficial for students who want to avoid being responsible for rent payments if their roommates leave before the lease ends

Map of Indiana Wesleyan Student Apartments For Rent