South Alabama Student Apartments for Sublet
Apartments for Sublet Near South Alabama
There are presently no listings that match the query "Student Apartments for Sublet Near South Alabama"
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Sublets Overview at South Alabama
💰On average, sublets near South Alabama is $1,381/mo. South Alabama sublets are cheaper than the national monthly average of $4,041/mo.
🚲 In total, there are 0 student sublets available near South Alabama.
🎓When students are not searching for sublets, they can choose between any of South Alabama's 12 on-campus dorms. The most popular dorms at University of South Alabama are Azalea Hall, Beta/Gamma, Camellia Hall.
South Alabama Student Housing FAQs
What is the average cost of student housing near the University of South Alabama?The average cost of student housing near the University of South Alabama varies depending on the type of housing and amenities offered. However, on average, students can expect to pay between $500 to $700 per month for off-campus housing
What resources are available for finding student housing near the University of South Alabama?
The University of South Alabama offers resources for students to find off-campus housing. The Office of Student Housing provides students with a list of rental properties within a 10-mile radius of campus. Additionally, websites such as RateMyApartments.com and CollegeStudentApartments offer search options for student housing near the University of South Alabama
Are there any specific neighborhoods that are recommended for student housing near the University of South Alabama?
The neighborhoods of Hillsdale, Cottage Hill, and Llanfair are popular choices for student housing near the University of South Alabama. These areas offer a variety of apartment complexes, condos, and rental homes that cater to college students. Additionally, they are located within a reasonable distance to campus and offer easy access to shopping and entertainment options

Map of South Alabama Student Apartments For Rent