South Carolina Student Apartments for Sublet
Apartments for Sublet Near South Carolina
There are presently no listings that match the query "Student Apartments for Sublet Near South Carolina"
See below for additional Apartments near University of South Carolina Upstate
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Sublets Overview at South Carolina
💰On average, sublets near South Carolina is $2,612/mo. South Carolina sublets are cheaper than the national monthly average of $3,988/mo.
🚲 In total, there are 0 student sublets available near South Carolina.
🎓When students are not searching for sublets, they can choose between any of South Carolina's 3 on-campus dorms. The most popular dorms at University of South Carolina Upstate are Magnolia House, Palmetto House, The Villas.
South Carolina Student Housing FAQs
What are some options for student housing near the University of South Carolina Upstate?There are several apartment complexes near USC Upstate, including The Reserve at Hillcrest, Campus Evolution Villages, and Orchard Park. Additionally, there are houses available for rent in the surrounding neighborhoods
Are there any on-campus housing options for students at USC Upstate?
Yes, USC Upstate has two on-campus housing options: Palmetto House and Magnolia House. Palmetto House is reserved for first-year students and has a traditional dorm-style setup, while Magnolia House is primarily for upperclassmen and has apartment-style units
How much does student housing near USC Upstate typically cost?
The cost of student housing varies depending on the specific complex or house, as well as the number of roommates. On average, expect to pay anywhere from $400 to $800 per month for a one- or two-bedroom apartment or house near campus. On-campus housing options range from $3,750 to $7,475 per semester

Map of South Carolina Student Apartments For Rent